
Webinaire Expert Guide to the Comparability of Dynamic Image Analysis and Sieving

Sieving is still the most common method for particle size determination of bulk materials. Since most product specifications are based on this, any alternative method must demonstrate that it is capable of producing sufficiently comparable results. For powders and granulates, dynamic image analysis is becoming increasingly popular as it is a fast and very easy to use technique that provides high resolution size distributions and particle shape information.

In this 45-minute webinar, we will examine the systematic differences between conventional sieving and dynamic image analysis, and provide a guide on how to achieve nearly identical results with both methods, so that dynamic imaging can be used without having to adjust product specifications.


  • Sieve Analysis: Possibilities, Limitations, Uncertainties
  • Dynamic Image Analysis: Size Definitions and Particle Shape
  • Comparison of Results for Different Materials
  • Creating a Robust Correlation for 2D and 3D Image Analysis

Intervenants :

Jinyi Ge, PhD, spécialiste des applications chez Microtrac (qui fait partie de Verder Scientific), a terminé ses recherches postdoctorales à l'université de Princeton sur le traitement des déchets et des eaux usées et la caractérisation des matériaux. Au cours de son doctorat et de ses années postdoctorales, elle a publié 11 articles en tant que premier auteur et 8 articles en tant que co-auteur dans des revues de l'American Chemical Society (ACS) et d'Elsevier. Elle est également rédactrice en chef adjointe de Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems à Cambridge University Press, ainsi que membre du comité de rédaction de Experimental Results à Cambridge University Press.